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M/s Eastron Overseas Inc.

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 M/s Eastron Overseas Inc.


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Fuel Oil
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Brand: aa 
Price: 520.00USD/ 
MOQ: 100000  
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Delivery time: From the date of payment from the buyer within days of delivery
update time: 2016-06-29 05:36  Valid to:Long-term effective


COMPONENT                                                RESULT

1.      Ash content, not more %                                                                                                        0,14

2.     Mass fraction of sulphur, not more %

           - low sulphur residual oil                                                                                                        0,5


3.     Temperature of the flash, not less ºC

         in the closed crucible

         In the open crucible ºC                                                                                                         110 min

4.     The temperature of solidification, not higher ºC                                                                25

5.     Kinematics viscosity                                                                                                               118 max

6.     Water content                                                                                                                           0.5%

7.     Mechanical impurities                                                                                                   Lower than 0.1%

8.      Acidity                                                                                                               Lower than 5 mg KOH/ 100ml

9.     Alkalinity                                                                                                                                   nil

10.   Gross Calorific Value Kcal/kg / KJ/kg                                                                      Min9200/41300

11.    Density at 15.0 deg. C Kg/l                                                                                          0.8900-0.9200

12.    Hydrogen Sulfide Content (H2S) pom                                                                            0.5 max

13.    Carbon Residual                                                                                                            Lower than 7%

14.    Vanadium (V) ppm                                                                                                                123

15.    Aluminium (Al) ppm                                                                                                               5

16.    Silikon (Si) ppm                                                                                                                       12

17.    Nickel (Ni) ppm                                                                                                                       49

18.    Asphaltenes m/m                                                                                                                 3.6%

 19.    Destilation @4 mm Hg

          Extracted to 760mm Hg

          Initial Boiling Point deg. C                                                                                                   216

            5% recovered deg. C                                                                                                           259

            10% recovered deg. C                                                                                                         310

            20% recovered deg. C                                                                                                         358

            30% recovered deg. C                                                                                                         445

            40% recovered deg. C                                                                                                         502

            50% recovered deg. C                                                                                                         534

            60% recovered deg. C                                                                                                         538

            75% recovered deg. C                                                                                                         545

            80% recovered deg. C                                                                                                           -

            90% recovered deg. C                                                                                                           -

            Final Boiling point deg. C                                                                                                  550

            Percent Recovered vol                                                                                                      78%

              Residu vol                                                                                                                          22%

             Total Nitrogen m/m                                                                                                     0.192%

20.      Sodium (Na) ppm                                                                                                                15

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