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Henan Hongrui Medical Devices Co., Ltd.

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 Henan Hongrui Medical Devices Co., Ltd.


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Anatomical Model-Fifth Cervical Vertebrae with spinal cord
Anatomical Model-Fifth Cervical Vertebrae with spinal cord Specifications1. Anatomical model2.Certificate:ISO9001:2000 3
HR-109 Life-size the model of shoulder joint with ligaments
HR-109 Life-size the model of shoulder joint with ligaments Specifications1.shoulder model 2.Material: PVC 3.Used in med
ear anatomical model,ear model, 3d anatomical models
Specifications1.ear model2.Certificate:ISO9001:2000 3.Material: PVC 4.Used in medical,school,hospital 5.15years in medic
Normal lumbar set (4 pcs),Human Lumbar Model
Normal lumbar set (4 pcs),Human Lumbar Model Specifications1.human lumbar2.Certificate:ISO9001:2008 3.Material: PVC 4.Us
HR-445A Intramuscular injection pad model,Injection Practice Pad
HR-445A Intramuscular Injection Pad with ISO certificate and made of advanced PVC Specifications1.injection pad2.educati
PVC Skin Color Anatomical Larynx Model
Anatomical Larynx Model Features:1.Themodelconsistsof2jetsmediansagittalplanecomponents,andshowslaryngealcartilage,conti
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