SiO2% e 60
MGO% e 30
Acid-Soluble substance% d 4.0
Water-Soluble substance% d 0.5
PH 7-9
Water-Soluble Iron Pass the test
As < 3ppM( 3X10-4)
Pb < 10ppM( 10X10-4)
LOI( 1000 Deg. ) % d < 7
Whiteness% e 94
Asbestos Be free from X-ray diffraction
Bacteria count total < 500/ g, mildew < 100/ g, be free from pathogen
Fineness: 98.5% min passing through 325mesh or negotiated by the buyer and the seller.
Packing: Paper bag or knitting bag of 25Kgs net each ( or negotiated by two parties)
Note: This is only reference, the concrete standard shall be decided by two parties.