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Minuteman UPS Minuteman MCP 2000 E
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Price: Negotiable 
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update time: 2023-05-13 01:00  Valid to:Long-term effective
The Minuteman MCP-E series is a line of true on-line uninterruptible power supplies. Its sophisticated double-conversion online technology constantly... Converts incoming power from utility AC power into DC power to charge internal batteries and then back into clean AC power using built-in converters and inverters. So regardless of what happens to your incoming utility power, the MCP-E series continuously conditions AC current to its purest form as required by your sensitive electronics. Even if the incoming utility AC power falters, the UPS will simply convert DC power from the battery system into clean AC current without a break in power.
The MCP-E series uses high-speed Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technology with real-time sampling to create the cleanest sine wave output waveform available. With a maximum of 2 percent total harmonic distortion (THD) while still providing tight output voltage regulation of 1 percent it will keep your equipment operating at peak performance. The Power Factor Correction (PFC) technology used in the MCP-E models is designed to correct the power factor of input current. This correction prevents any decrease of power quality and loss of virtual power. PFC also keeps load-generated harmonics from being reflected back into the line source, thereby protecting other equipment in your environment from potential damage
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