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CV. Indo Raya Computer

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 CV. Indo Raya Computer


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Current:Home » Product Categories » » MGE UPS Systems MGE UPS EX RT 7kVA
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update time: 2021-12-22 01:00  Valid to:Long-term effective
The EX RT is a dual feed, high availability UPS designed for the most sensitive high-density server environments and environmentally harsh industrial applications. This high performance UPS is engineered for demanding customer applications requiring protection for critical IT systems, measuring instruments, PLCs, and industrial PC ecosystems. In terms of environment, this means a full compatibility with gensets and in some cases redundancy. The EX RT redundancy capability provides separate Normal and Bypass AC inputs, and hot standby functionality. The dual feed, manual bypass, hot-swap I/O box and intuitive front panel LCD control panel are just a few of the many differentiating features making the EX RT the ideal product for the 5 to 11 kVA power ranges.
This UPS includes EX RT Transformer. When used with standard system, EX RT Transformer Module provides isolated and Step-down 120/208/240 Vac outputs.

The EX RT is a dual feed, high availability UPS designed for the most sensitive high-density server environments and environmentally harsh industrial applications. This high performance UPS is engineered for demanding customer applications requiring protection for critical IT systems, measuring instruments, PLCs, and industrial PC ecosystems. In terms of environment, this means a full compatibility with gensets and in some cases redundancy. The EX RT redundancy capability provides separate Normal and Bypass AC inputs, and hot standby functionality. The dual feed, manual bypass, hot-swap I/O box and intuitive front panel LCD control panel are just a few of the many differentiating features making the EX RT the ideal product for the 5 to 11 kVA power ranges.
This UPS includes EX RT Transformer. When used with standard system, EX RT Transformer Module provides isolated and Step-down 120/208/240 Vac outputs.
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