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Guangzhou Meiyang Electrical Co., Ltd.

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 Guangzhou Meiyang Electrical Co., Ltd.


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Small chrome plated rotating barber pole
338 is one of our best seller barber pole. We are a manufactory, star produce barber pole from 2006. Our barber pole exp
337A- chromed plated with white ball revolving barber pole barbiere segno pole
The barber pole has four size: ModelSize(L*W*D) 337A170*23*31CM337B140*23*31CM337C110*23*31CM 337D85*23*31CM We canprodu
rotating cylinder chromed plated classical shop light pole barber pole sign,
The barber pole has four size: ModelSize(L*W*D) 337A170*23*31CM337B140*23*31CM337C110*23*31CM 337D85*23*31CM We canprodu
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