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Hongqiang Charcoal Processing Factory

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 Hongqiang Charcoal Processing Factory


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12g charcoal hexamine solid fuel
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Brand: aa 
Price: 0.90USD/ 
MOQ: 3  
Total supply:
Delivery time: From the date of payment from the buyer within days of delivery
update time: 2016-07-21 05:36  Valid to:Long-term effective



Solid Fuel'S Feature

Solid fuel is the new green environmental protection fuel for our company produces. This product to be provided with white non-toxic, the volume small, the quantity of heat high, the firepower strong, then carries conveniently. The use is safe, does not volatilize, may the standing storage (be possible above standing storage several years) and long-distance transport. The main supply to army and the bad condition frontier forces , as well as the outdoors camp, the military training, the long-distance tramp, the exploration, bakes, the emergency, the family, the scientific research, the navigation, the fishery, the building work site, and so on. It is first choice heat source for mountaineering traveling, the stir-fried dish, bakes and the open country worker's.




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