carfield Silicon cellphone cases for iPhone 4 iphone 4s
payment: |
1:payment terms:western union&money gram&Escrow&paypay |
shipping info: |
1: This item can be shipped to ALL destinations around the world. 2: Item ship out within 1 - 3 working days after confirmation of payment 3: Tracking No. will be emailed to you once we have shipped your order. |
service: |
1: on-line:12 hours onlin,if not,leave message please,we will reply you within 7 hours. 2: after service:even our products have been strictly checked,if you find our parts can not work well,show us the proof,we will help you to deal with this ,give you a satifactory solution 3: lead time:1-3working days depends on the order,we need check one by one before send out. 4: warranty:3 months.
Contact: |
Phone:+86 0755-36639981(Lilian) |