This tool is the heart of our product line. Cutting Tool, Punching Tool, Riveting-, Bending- & Rolling Tool – five core functions in one tool. To put more in this tool would have led us to create a tool with too many functions and would have made it difficult for you to set up a perfect and efficient production flow. As with all of our other tools, we her too put our focus on top performance and highest, uncompromising quality standards. With its Flip-Flop mechanism, the MC 5/2 operates in its vertical position as a Cutting and Punching Tool, while the horizontal working position enables you to rivet, bend and roll. Compared to its predecessor model, we now use for pressure rolls, angle bending post and winding handle much stronger alloys. Rings with a smaller diameter than 5cm now are not rolled but pressed. Special applications like bending on the edge of flat strips now can be achieved precisely up to 12 x 6mm. There are so many other applications wherefor to use the MC 5/2, it would probably fill a never ending list.
Cutting 40 x 6mm (1 5/8" x 1/6")
Punching 40 x 8mm (1 5/8" x 1/6"), 14mm (9/16"), 14mm (9/16")
Rolling 40 x 8mm (1 5/8" x 1/6"), 14mm (9/16"), 14mm (9/16")
Rivetting 6mm Rivet diameter
Weight 22 kg
Size 40 cm x 40 cm x 17 cm