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High Quality Platycladi Seed powder
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Brand: aa 
Price: 100.00USD/ 
MOQ: 1  
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Delivery time: From the date of payment from the buyer within days of delivery
update time: 2016-07-25 05:36  Valid to:Long-term effective

High Quality Platycladi Seed powder


Product Analysis:


Appearance White powder Conformed
Odor Characteristic Conformed
Taste Characteristic Conformed
Specification 4:1 7:1 Conformed Conformed
Drying Method Spary drying Conformed
Partical Size NLT 100% Through 80 mesh Conformed
Loss on Drying 8.0% Max. 4.35%
Bulk Density 40~60g/100ml. 49.5g/100ml
Total Heavy Metals 10ppm Max. Conformed
Arsenic 2ppm Max. Conformed
Lead 2ppm Max. Conformed
Total plate count 1,000cfu/g Max. Conformed
Yeast&mold 100cfu/g Max. Conformed
E.Coli Negative Negative
Salmonella Negative Negative
Staphylococcus Negative Negative
Conclusion The product conforms to the standard.




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We Shanghai Brightol International Co.,Ltd is professional manufacturer of Herbal Extract & Nutrition Intermediates & Amino acid.Also we do the OEM service for  finished/end products under your requests.






































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