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sun beach steamer
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Price: Negotiable 
MOQ: 20  
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Delivery time: From the date of payment from the buyer within days of delivery
update time: 2016-07-03 05:36  Valid to:Long-term effective

Steamers made their debut on the cruiseliners of the world, now we laze around on them in our own gardens and feel the luxury of being out in the sunshine in comfort. Buying a set of garden steamer chairs is not just about having somewhere to relax, but they are a fantastic addition to your outdoor living area.


The best steamers have a high level of versitility with up to six different lying positions. The texture of the cushions as well as the thickness will all lend to a wonderful experience, but knowing what you want is very important.


If you are going to be moving your steamer around the garden, catching the best light and the occasional shade from the treas, then you may prefer to have one designed with wheels on the back legs. If you are more inclined to leave it on a port or patio in clear view of the house, then design and overall look may be more important.


Having children who are going to eat while sitting on them will mean wanting a material that can easily be cleaned as well as removable covers on the cushion so that they can be washed. And finally, you want to ensure that you get the best that you can afford. Do research on specials that are available and find the right garden lounger for you and your family.

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