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Name of itemProtective cream pump for babyDescription1. Subject:Treatment pump 2. Output: 0.25cc/t3.Closure: 20/410(weight of housing:12.8g,weight of head pump:12g, outside diameter(including housing):43mm,height of bottlecap(including housing):51mm ) 4. Color: Optional 5.Head cap: plastic6.Plastic Type: PP( Collar and head) 7.Material: Superior PP 8.Tube material: PE 9. Other material:Glass balland metal spring10. Closure: UV11. Feature: No spill, high sealed and leakage-prevention 12.Technology.ScreenprintingorHotStampingtextandLogoaccordingtocustomerneed.Spraypaintinner13.Type: with a big overcapothersCustomized color and dip tube length are customizedApplications shower gel, body wash, liquid body soap, bath lotion, bath gel, shampoo, hair conditioner, hand sanitizers, dish-washing detergents, dishwashing liquid, lotion and more PackingInner pack: plastic bag/1000-1200pcs
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Protective cream pump for baby
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Product: Protective cream pump for baby 
Price: $128.00
Brand: empty
Location: China
Sales: sold total of0pieces,0orders
Comment: 0comments
Inventory: 100pieces
Popularity: 91people have paid attention
Update: 2013-12-19
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Protective cream pump for baby