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Current:Home » Mall » Indoor 2 Way CATV Splitter 1202 With Luxurious Type Zinc Die Cast Housing Bandwidth 5-1000MHz
Indoor 2 Way CATV Splitter 1202 With Luxurious Type Zinc Die Cast Housing Bandwidth 5-1000MHz
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Product: Indoor 2 Way CATV Splitter 1202 With Luxurious Type Zinc Die Cast Housing Bandwidth 5-1000MHz 
Price: $128.00
Brand: empty
Location: China
Sales: sold total of0pieces,0orders
Comment: 0comments
Inventory: 100pieces
Popularity: 44people have paid attention
Update: 2013-12-18
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1.Fexible MOQWe'd like to grow with our partners. And long term relation is we expect. We totallyunderstand that the clients need to order the products in a small quantity at thebegaining, especially for the new products. To show our sincerity,we can accept smallorder in a small quantity for your evaluation.And there are great discount for big ordersdefinitely.2.PaymentTerm Our payment itemis T/T or Cash,will have other payment itemin the future.50% paymant before production,and 50% payment before shipping. 3.Delivery Detail Lead timewill be confirmedbase on the order quantity and payment time.And the goodswill beshipviaShunde Port.
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