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802.11n 150mbps blueway bt-n9000 usb adapter
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Product: 802.11n 150mbps blueway bt-n9000 usb adapter 
Price: $30.00
Brand: empty
Location: China
Sales: sold total of0pieces,0orders
Comment: 0comments
Inventory: 100pieces
Popularity: 36people have paid attention
Update: 2013-12-18
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Detail Info
802.11n 150mbps blueway bt-n9000 usb adapter You may often find wireless internet signal everywhere but cannot use them due to password protection. With this device N9800 Decoder, you can decode the WEP password (both 64-bit and 128-bit) and hence enjoy FREE WiFi!!(not 100%)This devices decode WEP key and shows what the characters are. So after the decode, you can connect any other wireless devices to the desired network without this decoder.Enable free WiFi connection, save money for monthly subscription.