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New Natural Straight Wave Proper Grace 5A Grade Unprocessed Brazilian Virgin Wholesale Hair
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Product: New Natural Straight Wave Proper Grace 5A Grade Unprocessed Brazilian Virgin Wholesale Hair 
Price: $280.00
Brand: empty
Location: China
Sales: sold total of0pieces,0orders
Comment: 0comments
Inventory: 100pieces
Popularity: 43people have paid attention
Update: 2013-12-18
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wholesale unprocessed 100% virgin brazillian hair Tips: 100% health human hair, 100% money back within 30 days if there is quality problem. Why choose us*Princess hair isprofessional* Tangling-NO!!!Shedding-NO!!!Drying-NO!!!Silicon-NO!!!*RawHairCollecting* Princess onlyselectsnaturalhairfromyounggirls,nopermed,nooiled.--Ensurepureremycuticlehairmaterial,sothatnoTangle&Matting!*HairProcessingTechnology*Othersuppliers:Severalhourstoprocesshairandwithheavychemical-hairisalldamaged!Princess:5daysbleachingfordarkcolors/7-9daysbleachingforlightcolorsavoiddamagestothehairstructure,andkeepthehairhealthyanddurable*Healthyhairmaterial+Carefulharmlessprocessing+Exquisiteworkmanship* Princess DOESN’Tneedsiliconfordisguise Products show and detailsItem description Hot productsOur Advantage Payment termsPolicy & guarantee1. Quality problem, pls contact us within 30 days.2. Not receiving your package, pls contact us within 7 days.3. Any damaged problem during transportation,pls contactus within 7 days after rejecting.4. Dislike or unsuitable causes, pls contact us within 7 days.All of our products have 30 days guarantee after receipt.Value-added services 1.lable ,logo and package design 2.Printing service for lable ,logo and package. Customers feedback Q&AQ:How often can I wear my extensionsA:As often as you like, just remember to take them out before sleeping to prolong their life Q: Will people be able to see if I am wearing hair extensions A:The hair is undetectable when in place and will stay in place until you remove them. Nobody will know they are there unless you tell them!Q. Is the extensions made of 100% human hairA:Yes. Our extensions are made of 100% virgin remy human hair and you can treat it as your own hair.Q.Can my hair extensions be straightened, curled, dyed?A:Yes. As it is 100% human hair, it can be straightened, curled and coloured. As a general rule it is easier to darken the hair than to lighten the hair.Q.Howlongdoesitlast?A.Thishaircanlastforaverylongtimedependingonhowyoumaintainit.Treatitlikeyourownhairandtakeverygoodcareofitforittolastlonger(around 1 year)Q:About Quantity for one headFor average head size, here is my suggestion: 12"-14": 2 bundles 16"-22": 3 bundles 24"-28":4 bundles or moreQ.About Combing1. Use a smooth-edged wide-toothed comb2. Avoid brushing the hair when it's wet always3. When detangling your hair, start with the bottom of the extension and work your way up to reduce pulling at the hairQ.About Washing1. Wash the hair every week2. Use a mild Shampoo, Rinse and leave to dry3. Dont blows the root of hairs too near with the hair drier4. Dont grasping the root of hair overexert when washingQ.About MoisturizeAt least once a week go through the rows of your braid base and gently apply moisturizing hair and scalp cream or argan oil (eg, Mizani cream, Coconut oil, Shea butter, lotion)If you have any questions,pls contactus freely,thanks for your support and time! O(∩_∩)O