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Full automatic temperature controll technique High efficient UV sterilizer Welded tank Pipeline wate
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Product: Full automatic temperature controll technique High efficient UV sterilizer Welded tank Pipeline wate 
Price: $888888.00
Brand: empty
Location: China
Sales: sold total of0pieces,0orders
Comment: 0comments
Inventory: 100pieces
Popularity: 22people have paid attention
Update: 2013-12-18
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Detail Info
Full automatic temperature controll technique High efficient UV sterilizer Welded tank Pipeline water dispenser 0086-18367773448 POU mini water dispenser P.O.U. water cooler;water dispenser ;water bar; water boiler; water generator;Water Purification System; Water filtration system;water fountain;water chiller;coffee machine;;aqua cooler;aqua dispenser;aqua filter;aqua purifier;aqua bar;aqua boiler;aqua fountain;aqua chillerlaqua drinker;classic water dispenser ; public drinker ,BETTER WATER BETTER LIFE!GR310MBMultifunctionalmini bar Feature: POU hot and cold mini desktop water barTestimonialsI am just thrilled about my purchase. We all have so much more energy. This is thebest investment that I ever made for our health.My Husband is in air conditioning and heating repair and used to complain about backpain and headaches. Since he started drinking the water his headaches disappeared,his back got better and his eyesight improved.Staff have thanked me personally – they love it! Clients are drinking more too.Welcome to China,welcome toWenzhou . We welcome you to come and visit us, learn more about our company, products, and incredible opportunities.We’ve been devoting over 70 percent of our business to OEM or ODM. Our 10- year tract record includes handing projects for Coca-Cola, Nestle, Electra, Aquatal and Kosmologic as well as installing atmospheric water generator and water filtration systems in the US, Mexico, Africa and Middle East. ....