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Motorcycle Shelter, Bike Easy House, Motorcycle Garage
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Product: Motorcycle Shelter, Bike Easy House, Motorcycle Garage 
Price: $128.00
Brand: empty
Location: China
Sales: sold total of0pieces,0orders
Comment: 0comments
Inventory: 100pieces
Popularity: 35people have paid attention
Update: 2013-12-04
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Detail Info
Motorcycle Tent Cover, Motorcycle House, Motorcycle Home, Motorcycle Shelter, Ride Cover, Bike House, Bike Home, Cycle Pocket,Moto Home, Motorbike Tent, Motorcycle Garage, Scooter Garage,Motor Shelter, Motorcycle Garage, Bike Garage, Moto Tent,Bike Barn,Moto Park, Moto Home, Moto House,Description:♥ Material:Shell: 600d oxford with pvc or pu coatedFrame: galvanized non corrosive steel tube, dia.32mm, thickness 1.3mm♥Size: 1.270x105x155cm2.345x137x190cm3.345x188x190cm♥Colors: grey, blue, black, olive, red,etc.♥Logo: one color logo print can be done♥Features:1.Strong and waterproof, all seams are sealed by waterproof tape to assure it 100% waterproof2.Foldable, easy to use (easy to pack and easy to install,easy to move when not used,)3.DIY product, you can enjoy by using it4.Two big vents on each side 5.Lock device, base platesecures the tent,can be immobillized,can be locked from bothor either sides of the middle pointPlease just feel free to convo us for more information about this product.Thanks for looking.