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Latest Boys Fashion Jeans 2013 Fashion Jeans
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Product: Latest Boys Fashion Jeans 2013 Fashion Jeans 
Price: $39.08
Brand: empty
Location: China
Sales: sold total of0pieces,0orders
Comment: 0comments
Inventory: 100pieces
Popularity: 25people have paid attention
Update: 2013-12-03
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Detail Info
Company Website: OtherJeansWashing Process:Packing(1) Folding the clothes(2) Put it in the Polybage(3) 5 sizes are binded together(4) Put all the clothes in a cartonProducing Process(1) garment section (2) Embroidery or printing(3) Sewing(4) Washed(5)Thread cutting(6)Fastener Making(7) Ironging(8) PackingAbout Us: Foshan Ida Garments Co., Ltd. is a collection development, production and sales in one of the children's clothing apparel company. The main production of high-end children's clothing 3-8 years, the main series: jeans, jacket, skirt, vest, knitting. The Company's three brands where Yucca QQ cloth, "3 +2" BOY. Today, we have a professional technical team and designers, the efforts of all staff, the average annual output value has reached 2 million, and has been 3 percent growth rate. Certification ISO 9001:2000, the proportion of exports accounted for 61% -70%. Cheap, fashionable and well received by domestic and foreign customers.Brand Introduction FanyakaSimple or casual styleQQ FabricFashion or complexCertificate:Our Strength(1)Weareprofessionalkidclothingmanufacture.(2)Ifyouhavesampleordesignpictures,itisOKfor us toproduce.(Oneweekformaking,sample is free,only pay the express payment)(3)Youcangettheprofessional suggestionaccordingtoyourdesign.(4)SmallquantityisOK! (Itisbettertorealizetheservice,quality,packingandproducingtermbysmallquantity)(5)Thesampleisfree,justpaytheexpresspayment. (6)Wearethebranddesign,sothequalityanddesignisgood.Ifyouwouldliketogetmorecheaperprice,changingtoanother cheapfabricisOK!Please Contact : Emily Shi