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Vodafone HG553 3G router 4LAN+1WAN+2USB+2 PHONE JACK+ ADSL
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Product: Vodafone HG553 3G router 4LAN+1WAN+2USB+2 PHONE JACK+ ADSL 
Price: $4.00
Brand: empty
Location: China
Sales: sold total of0pieces,0orders
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Inventory: 100pieces
Popularity: 85people have paid attention
Update: 2013-12-18
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Detail Info
Huawei Vodafone HG533 3G wireless router 4LAN+1WAN+2 USB+2 phone portsHardware Specifications:Broadcom BCM6358 300MHz16MB ROM64MB RAM (yes, it is 64MB!!! best for smooth multi-stream downloading!)2 usb port ( 1 for 3G usb modem, 1 for usb printer)2 phone jackadsl jack4 lan portwifi on/off buttonbuilt-in antenna802.11b/g1:Build-in omnidirectional antennaFeatures:1support telephone lineas the carrier of theADSLbroadband line2SupportTelecom,Unicom,Netcombroadbandtelephone linethat ADSL3support for LANresidential broadband(cablehouseholds)!Truesupport for dualaccess function,trulya machine can be more,one machine almighty!Fear ofchangeis notalways guaranteedbandwidth!4supportChina Unicom's 3G network[3G]needHuaweicardsupport5support linkUSB printer,theprinterinto acommonnetwork printer[have compatibility issues,not necessarily everyprintercompatible]6support for IPTV7support wirelessMAC allow/ block,prevent illegalinvasion ofyour network.8support for WPSWMMWPAWPA2WEPencryptioncontrola variety ofencryptionsecurity is very important.The followingis the advancedfunction,alsoneed buyerstoresearch,storecan providetechnical support.Eight:QOS flow controlpriorityNine:support for VLAN virtualnetworkTen:support DMZ functionEleven:UPnPfunctionTwelve:support VOIP function