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Current:Home » Mall » 4300k h1 crystal vision halogen lamp for Philips H1 H7 H3 H4 H8 H11 9005(HB3) 9006(HB4)
4300k h1 crystal vision halogen lamp for Philips H1 H7 H3 H4 H8 H11 9005(HB3) 9006(HB4)
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Product: 4300k h1 crystal vision halogen lamp for Philips H1 H7 H3 H4 H8 H11 9005(HB3) 9006(HB4) 
Price: $12.00
Brand: empty
Location: China
Sales: sold total of0pieces,0orders
Comment: 0comments
Inventory: 100pieces
Popularity: 37people have paid attention
Update: 2013-12-04
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Detail Info
Feature1. Each lamp uses 10pcs high quality 5w Osram lamp beads. 2. Energy saving. 3. Brightness: 10 times of incandescent lamp in equal power. 4. Environmental protection: having no plumbum (Pb), mercury (Hg) and other heavy metals. 5. No radiation: no ultraviolet rays and ultra red rays, no harm to human body. 6. Quick start: no start-up time, light up in a moment, no polarity 7. Stability: resistance to vibration, impact resistance, safe and reliable. 8. Easy installation: can replace the halogen light source directly. 9. Wide voltage range: 12-28V DC10. sides brand new design of aluminum, 360 degree lighting, suits all types of cars.hidlampmodels ifyouhaveanyquestion,pleasesendmessageorlettertous,wewillreplyyouanytime,weareonlinein24hours,wewillappreciatethatyoucanmakeasamplesorderwithus,wewillsupplyourproductsinhighqualityandbestpriceforyou,thankyouforyourvisiting!