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Wholesale price Golden Bright Line Thick False Eyelash
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Product: Wholesale price Golden Bright Line Thick False Eyelash 
Price: $20.00
Brand: empty
Location: China
Sales: sold total of0pieces,0orders
Comment: 0comments
Inventory: 100pieces
Popularity: 28people have paid attention
Update: 2013-12-19
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Detail Info
Our Advantages:1. Strip eyelash 2. Handmade3. Medium quality and high quality4. Made of synthetic5. Durable6. Various styles and colors, or as your request7. Express, shipment, air transportation8. On time delivery9. Good after-sale service10. OEM/ODM is welcomeDetails 0f 0ur Product: Style: False EyelashesHow to use:
    • Step 1:
      • Measure the lashes against your eye
      • If too wide, trim lashes one at a time from the outside edge
    • Step 2:
      • Apply a line of adhesive to the lash band, close to the lash roots and wait at least 30 seconds until the adhesive becomes tacky
    • Step 3:
      • Apply the lashes just above the natural lash line, application is aided by looking downwards into a mirror
      • Press gently across the lash line paying more attention to the ends, hold for a few seconds
Maintenance & care:follow these simple steps to maximize the life of your false eyelashes.
1. carefully remove the lashes from your eye by starting at one corner and slowly moving to the other.
2. remove any excess adhesive from the band of the false eyelash.
3. place back onto the original casing.
4. never apply mascara to the false eyelash. always apply mascara to your own lash before putting the false style on.