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Zuleika International

Company Profile

 Zuleika International


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Company Profile
Over the years, Zuleika International has grown to be one of Asia's key players in fashion. It was founded in 1987 in Cebu, Philippines and makes use of fresh and natural fashion accessories (SHELLS, COCO, WOODS, RESINS, METALS, PALMSEEDS, and etc.) indigenous to the 7, 100 Philippine Islands. This company offers a both classic and contemporary fashion accessory that is beautiful for beach attire, excellent for casual wear, tremendous fashion culture of its own.
New Ideas are developed through top designers which always keep an eye on the latest market trends in fashion industry.
A must to execute our orders smoothly depending on the quantities involved. Orders are executed with an average lead time of 45 days and our customers are regularly updated at all stages of order execution.
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