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CV. Citra Indomebel

Company Profile

 CV. Citra Indomebel


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Established in 1999, Indonesia's furniture industry has been considered to face a significant drawback in terms of quality and recognition. However, it was in that very year that Citra Indomebel was establish with utmost ambition to recover the reputation and image of Indonesian furniture at international level.

Supported by Inhutani II, a forest concession and resource management company, we have always been able to provide the best raw material for our production, including Apithong (Dipterocarpus spp.), Acacia Mangium (Willd. Legumonosae) and Kwila (Intsia palembanica).

Our company's philosophy is "providing excellent services to our customers and creating better opportunities for our employees, partners, and suppliers". It is under that spirit that we have succeeded in convincing international market through our various high quality furniture. Until today, we have exported our products to Australia, European countries, America, and Latin America.
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