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VinaHorn Co.,Ltd

Company Profile

 VinaHorn Co.,Ltd


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Establishments producing Vietnam horn handicrafts-
A facility to produce handicrafts and fine art for many generations, in 1998 manufacturing establishments Vietnam horn handicrafts with official website representatives was established.
We specialize in manufacturing and trading of handicraft products made from the horn material, clams, snails ...
In order meet the growing consumer demand of customers, we now produce all the goods such as Home and Kitchen (bowls, chopsticks, plates, spoons, environmental, ...), plate jewelry and beauty accessories (bracelets, necklaces, hairpins, earrings, bags ...) along with all kinds of decorations in the family (the first animal, the pair horns ...)
with abundant resources, have high technical skills, experienced in manipulating the handicraft items guaranteed to bring you the best product and service quality most satisfactory service.
can meet all the orders (large, small, medium) with the best technical requirements, design the most beautiful! Ensure all processes of production, packaging, transport and delivery in the shortest time, the most reasonable price
there are now various types of design products that meet consumer demand, and the beauty of a large customer. However, if you have a product idea and design your own, we are also able to completely meet the requirements!
We currently service hundreds of customers worldwide: America, Europe, Japan, Korea ...

Please contact us to satisfy your needs!
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