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Xi'an Tianxingjian Natural Bio-Products Co., Ltd.

Company Profile

 Xi'an Tianxingjian Natural Bio-Products Co., Ltd.


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Company Profile
Xi'an Tianxingjian Natural Bio-products Group, a modern and flourishing comprehensive enterprise, attaches great importance to the development of a comprehensive enterprise based on the concept of "The great nature is eternal, and the man of honor constantly strives and improves". Headquartered in the Hi-tech Development Zone of Xi'an, our company has 3 subsidiaries including Xi'an Greenpharma Natural Medicine Lab, Xi'an Tianxingjian Natural Bio-Products Ltd. and Xi'an Chongxin Natural Additives Co., Ltd.

Xi'an Tianxingjian Natural Bio-Products Ltd. is mainly engaged in foreign trade. All of our products are sold to Japan, the USA, New Zealand, Canada, Europe and Southeast Asia. Long-term relationships are established with clients in the field. Xi'an Chongxin Natural Additives Co., Ltd. has a sound system for product QC. We mainly produce natural biological extracts from herbal medicines and agricultural products. Modernized product development, production, and inspection system and domestic marketing network have been established, based on powerful techniques and advanced equipment.
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