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alenter food, inc.

Company Profile

 alenter food, inc.


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Company Profile
1) Introduction
A) The Company-Alenter Food, Incorporated was established and registered with SEC in the year 2000. In January 2005, it was proud to introduce to the market SAN SEBASTIAN seafood specialties. Initial products composed of fourteen different variants of your favorite seafood. Best served straight from the bottle or mix to create new exiting dishes. To ensure its commitment to world class excellence, its products undergo stringent quality quality control inspection in a modern and sanitary processing facility. Built in the first quarter of 2004, it started its initial operation in the last quarter of the same year. Although mainly targeted to boost the company's export division, it also acknowledges equally the potential of the domestic market. With its relentless drive to come up with quality products, you can expect more exciting products from Alenter Food, Inc. Soon.
B) Corporate Philosophy-To be the best in what we do through vision, strength and commitment.
C) Corporate Vision Statement-To be the leader in ready to eat bottled seafood industry that offers a wider and deeper assortment of products.
D) Corporate Mission Statement-With passion for customer delight, we manufacture high quality ready to eat and easy to prepare seafood products-in terms of packaging, raw materials input, physical appearance and taste-through innovative techniques, driven by our associates to maintain such high quality standards at all times.
2) Current Market Position
A) Sales-Currently there are no regular export sales yet, and our domestic sales operation has been reduced to one-man-army. Some of our export customers started repeating orders already and we have difficulties serving all of their orders due to off-season of some raw materials. Our poor domestic sales on San Sebastian brand has made us decide to develop business growth through penetration of new toll packing market. As of March 2008 sales, we realize 7% growth rate versus year 2007.
B) Product-With San Sebastian seafood specialties, we service importers, export consolidators, distributors, private labels, hotels, and specialty centers which appreciate our products for our HACCP compliance and our commitment to world-class excellence. Continuous product development takes place with our distributors to supply their products according to their consumers taste and composition.
C) Sales projection, current year, in volume (units) and value (peso / u $d) .
D) Place-As of March 2008, 35% of our sales generated from class A-Cebu Supermarkets, Specialty centers, and Hotels from Cebu; Importers from the USA and export consolidators contributed 39% ; and 26% came from the toll packing market from the greater Manila area.
E) Price-Our pricing policy is based on cost plus margin net of discounts. Increasing cost of products forces us to update our prices every time a prospect and existing customers book an order. Before we increase our industry prices, we always offer our customers the opportunities of one last order at old price levels.
F) Promotion-For spread (Milkfish and Sardines) , we offer free taste during food fairs; at the supermarkets we participate on free taste activities upon request to avoid free taste charges. To prospect customers, we offer samples for product presentation, freight chargeable to the customers. For private label, we develop and improve existing ingredients to suit their requirements. We also provide label designers and assist our customers in the development of their labels.
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