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Ursa Major Co. Ltd.

Company Profile

 Ursa Major Co. Ltd.


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Investing in successful years of trading in agricultural sector and equipped with extensive local-market knowledge, Ursa Major has been geared to go global. A team of experienced management and highly motivated executives is hard at work around the clock to honor the existing customers while incessantly meeting new clients and constructing partnerships in different regions. Operating out of Yangon, the former capital of Myanmar. Export is our main forte. While our merchandise include a variety of agricultural and marine produces.

By geographical area, Myanmar is the largest country in mainland Southeast Asia or Indochina. One third of its total perimeter (1930 km) forms an uninterrupted coastline, extending from the Bay of Bengal to Adaman Sea. Three river systems divide the country from north to south, including its longest river Ayeyarwady (2170 km), to produce inland water area of 3%. A total of 23,594.64 hectares is used for fish aquaculture. This provides Myanmar with rich marine resources and its fishing industry with a promising future. The industry annually produces 910,000 tons of both freshwater and deep-sea fish and prawn. Approximately one third of the stock is exported, registering more than $400 millions to trade.

Our services are not solely defined by the customary trading operations, we also focus on exclusive private labeling and ensuring consistent product quality assurances with our links from Canada,Europe,Australia,Middle East,Asian Pacific regions.

We believe in stable and steady progress. At Ursa Major, we strive not only to establish the partnership with our clients but put utmost importance to nurture our trade-relations into lasting affiliations that bear mutual reward for years to come.
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