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Klang Hock Plastic Industries

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 Klang Hock Plastic Industries


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Company Profile
Verification Type:  A&V Checked
Business Type: 制造商
Year Estabkished: 2001
Total Revenue: 500万RMB
Main Markets: Asean/Malaysia
Main Customers: No infomation
Learn more about us
Quality FDA Approved [Non toxic material as compared to PVC] PE Cling Film [Food wrap]. With over 30 years in this industry, your required films will be produced using German machines and quality materials. Preserves freshness for a longer period. Hygienic wrapping, contamination free. Prevents food from drying out while kept in the fridge. Reduce loss of taste and aroma FDA approved Easy to use, Easy to tear. We produce a selection of plastic films. Contact me for detailed information.
Certification file

Verification Type:  A&V Checked
Business Tpye: 制造商
Operational Address: 未填写
Telephone: 006-03-32916368
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