IOI Group ventured into oil palm plantation business in 1983. Today, the Group has 79 estates with total plantation area at 167, 875 hectares with 99% of the estates' planted area being planted with oil palm.
Approximately 68% of the Group's plantation holdings are in the state of Sabah with the remaining 32% in Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia, mainly in the central and southern parts of the Peninsular. The Group's plantation produce are principally processed by its own 12 palm oil mills with an annual milling capacity of approximately 3, 900, 000 tonnes of fresh fruit bunches.
The Group's plantation business strong growth in a short span of 24 years since 1983 was achieved not just through acquisitions whenever opportunities arises, but also because of its distinctive plantation management practices that emphasise greatly on continuous improvement in yields and in cost efficiencies which enable us to be one of the most cost effective producers in the industry. Its achievement on productivity is the result of years of concerted effort and commitment to good plantation management practices.