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TPM Bali

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 TPM Bali


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Company Profile
Verification Type:  A&V Checked
Business Type:
Year Estabkished: 2003
Total Revenue: 500万RMB
Main Markets: Asean/Indonesia
Main Customers: No infomation
Learn more about us
CV.Tiga Perkasa Mandiri, since 1999, Based on Kerobokan Bali,Indonesia. We are small and Managed by local people with very traditioanal management and marketing by fully heart and ethical. We are start from shop retail and continues for exports to Dubai, Australia. We pass every market situastion till now we still survive. We have build free relation with our local home manufaturer over Bali Island. We speak local to build relation with them also we do to buyer over the world. The product wood decoartive, mask promitive,tiki,bird carving, tropical neutical carving and more...Mostly the product item are hand made by our locak artisan or home manufature over Bali's Island, make the item are stricky on size and not are exacly same each others. The origin wood are legal from our ministry of Republik Indonesia.
Certification file

Verification Type:  A&V Checked
Business Tpye:
Operational Address: Jl.Raya Kerobokan,Br.Taman 19, Badung, Bali, Indonesia
Telephone: 62-361-735549
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