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cv cak adikarya

Company Profile

 cv cak adikarya


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Company Profile
Our company " Candi Adi Karya " was built in 1999 in Jogjakarta. It is a City in Central Java that has a traditional culture and classical experiences. Our Company begin with only 5 worker in buissiness of leather furniture, batik, silver and handycraft. Now we have already 24 worker
to fulfill so many orders from customers.
We are manufacturing our product by using Natural Resources like: Silver, Silk, Catoon, Printing and Painting, Teak, Bamboo, Mahagony, Rattan, Pandanus, Lidi (Coconut Stry) and combine them with leather as soft material: Nabati, Semichrome or Natural Goat Leather. We process them and put some ascessories, then create them with some traditional art of yogyakarta become a beautiful product with classical touching.
If you have a spare time to visit our company in Jogjakarta, then you will not only visit us but you will see one of the miracle of the world " Candi Borobudur " and " Candi Prambanan ". Both of them is the inspiration of our company that have spirit: The biggest and the Famous without leaving their traditional culture.
We are taking order from a broad customer and domestic customer. We also manufacturing our product base on customer's design and size.
We make also trading, and quality control.
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