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CV Indo Raya Export - Bespoke Reclaimed Teak Furniture

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 CV Indo Raya Export - Bespoke Reclaimed Teak Furniture


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Indo Raya Export is a leading bespoke furniture manufacturing company-part of the LivingConcepts-Global Furniture Network. We work very close with our reseller customers providing made-to-order, bespoke, recycled teak furniture. We are now able to expand our offering to other descerning retailers who are looking for a manufacturer who is able to provide furniture built to their specifications-We really do understand the raw material we work with and use true traditional furniture construction techniques that won't crack, split or warp-those who have purchased such furniture in the past will know and understand what I am talking about. We are prepaired to spend time on making sure that what you order is what you get-backed with a product guarantee.
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