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Batik Mahkota Laweyan

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 Batik Mahkota Laweyan


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Batik Crown Laweyan is the successor of the " Batik Puspowidjoto " that was founded in 1956 in Kulon beloved No. 9 Laweyan Solo. " Batik Puspowidjoto " was founded by the late / deceased Mr. Radjiman Puspowidjoto and Mrs. Puspowidjoto Tijori who write and produce traditional batik cap, one of which famous brand name " Crown PW " . superior products at that time batik motif is " Tirto Tejo. " After the death of its founder, between 1993 to 2005 " batik Puspowidjoto " vacuum manufacturing experience.

After the introduction of Laweyan as Kampoeng Batik on September 25, 2005, spurred batik entrepreneurs who have long suffered the vacuum to start producing again. One company that revived batik is " Batik Puspowidjoto " using the name " BATIK CROWN Laweyan " . CROWN BATIK Laweyan was established on October 1, 2005 by one of the daughter of Mr / Ms Juliani Prasetyaningrum Puspowidjoto is supported by a large family Puspowidjoto. The main products of this company is a modern batik, traditional batik besides cap.

In BATIK CROWN Laweyan show room you can see, the process of production, training workshops and museum batik Batik Puspowidjoto family. In Puspowidjoto Batik museum visitors can see ancient batik collections, archives management and transactions batik Laweyan Doeloe Tempo.

CROWN BATIK Laweyan producing traditional and modern batik in the form of fabrics, Hem, Blouses, interior fixtures, paintings and crafts / handicrafts.
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