Short stories about the founding of PURE PT.BEAM PT.BEAM PURE was established in 1980 located in Jakarta The province of Manila.PURE PT.BEAM establishment Supported by an energetic and dynamic management and experience 1970an.not surprising since,in a short time PURE PT.BEAM grow and reach out not only domestic market but also markets internationally.Along with the development of the business development and technology is growing by forming a new division of the business in such goods procurement of equipment techniques,machines and spare part services with each treatment expertise in the field.
VISION Committed to providing a PURE PT.BEAM Prodact with komfrehensif system to obtain a solution to meet customer needs.
PURE PT.BEAM Always perform continuous innovation to create better solutions,aesthetic value and a higher comfort for the customers,so this upcoming PURE Vision PT.BEAM be a creative and dynamic company,oriented to the trust and customer satisfaction.
MISSION PT.BEAM PURE is providing services to maintain the supply and quality workmanship,quantity,continuity and price competition in the market so that company objectives are achieved and continue sustainable. PURE PT.BEAM Support and establish mutually beneficial cooperation with emphasis on the principles of good corporate governance, which is able to support the productivity,effectiveness and operational efficiency as well as support and actively participate in building a prosperous Indonesian society through social programs.