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Company Profile
From Measuring Instruments to Mixers
THINKY was founded in 1971 as a company manufacturing digital measurement i nstruments.
We made inexpensive display devices using LEDs. THINKY's products proved to be highly popular, and by 1991 grossed over JPY890 million in sales.However, with the collapse of Japan's Bubble Economy in 1991, sales of industrial measuring instruments rapidly slowed.It was at this point that the company stumbled across a bright idea when one of the company directors heard from a dentist about a difficult issue in the dental industry.With this idea in mind, THINKY developed mixers for dental paste used for fillings and artificial teeth.(For details, please see "Secret Story of Development.")The mixer garnered praise not only from the dental industry, but from a variety of other fields as well, including the ointment industry. As a result of this success, THINKY shifted its core business to producing mixers.
From Dental Mixers to Mixers fro a Variety of Industrial Fields
When our dental mixers were first exhibited at various exhibitions, there was an overwhelming response from a variety of industries, including those involved with electronic equipment, medicine, chemistry, and research and development.Our planetary centrifugal mixers have rewritten the rules in a variety of industrial fields.
From Japan to the World
In addition to the popularity of our mixers in Japan, we have been flooded with inquiries overseas.
In response to these inquiries, we have already introduced our mixers to a number of countries worldwide, including the United States, China, South Korea, Taiwan, and EU members.
From a Mixer Manufacturer to a Mixer Engineering Company
First, THINKY made its voice heard with the development of planetary centrifugal mixers.
Next, THINKY moved into stirring and deaerating technology research and solution services while using our mixers to work on advanced material research and development with other users.
Currently, we at THINKY are working steadily on our next big discovery.
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