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Zhejiang Huaan Security Equipment Co., Ltd.

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 Zhejiang Huaan Security Equipment Co., Ltd.


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Company Profile
Verification Type:  A&V Checked
Business Type:
Year Estabkished: 2006
Total Revenue: 500万RMB
Main Markets: China
Main Customers: No infomation
Learn more about us
Zhejiang Huaan Security Equipment Co., Ltd. is a joint-stock enterprise that integrates knowledge, industry experience, and technology to manufacture alarm lamps, sirens, and self protection items. We are a member of China's Social Public Security Protection Industry Association and have nearly 10 years of experience in the field. We are also the agent for the American Safety Equipment Co., Ltd., dealing with American CODE 3 and DaoQi products. With more than 18 representatives across China, we service more than 100 authorized dealers and service stations.

We focus on designing new products and making improvements to our standard product line. Our products conform to GB8108-87 and GB/T3954-92 criterion, and our products are known for their reliability and durability. Product quality, reasonable prices, and reliable services bring value to our customers worldwide.

By improving the equipment available to police forces, we hope to improve safety and peace around the globe. Please contact us for further information so that we may begin a mutually beneficial business relationship.
Certification file

Verification Type:  A&V Checked
Business Tpye:
Operational Address: No. 100, Yandang West Road, Economic & Technological Development Zone, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China (Mainland)
Telephone: 86-577-86528111
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