Xiamen Bejoy Trade Co., Ltd. is an experienced manufacturer of various bags. We supply sport bags, backpacks, cooler bags, shopping bags, tote bags, travel bags, calico/cotton/canvas bags, drawstring bags, picnic bags, shoulder bags and other sorts of promotion bags.
Bejoy's policy is to offer our clients the best products with the most competitive price to get more orders and increase market share. Meanwhile, we always purchase the best fabric from our steady fabric supplier in a lower price. Our strict management system also ensures the reduction of the cost.
Bejoy also provides the most considerate service. We promise our customers reply enquiry within 24 hours and normal samples within 7 days. Your orders, inquiries and samples will be followed and monitored from the beginning to the end by a specified person.
Bejoy confidently believes that we are the best bag supplier for excellent service and favorable price. We are looking forward to building long-term and cooperative relationships with you. Please feel free to contact us for further information.