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Ningxia Huiheng activated carbon Sales Co. Ltd.

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 Ningxia Huiheng activated carbon Sales Co. Ltd.


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 Ningxia Huiheng Activated Carbon Sales Co., Ltd. is located at the west side of 110 National Road, Hongguo Town, Huinong District, Shizuishan, Ningxia, China. The company's products are mainly low-ash, low-sulfur, low-phosphorus, high mechanical strength, high activation performance, and high specific surface area in Ningxia. The high-quality Taixi coal is the main raw material and is activated by high-temperature steam. At the same time, it can also produce coconut pillar, fruit shell, wood, etc. as raw materials of different types of wooden pillared activated carbon. The company can also produce activated carbon with different uses, different specifications and different qualities according to the different requirements of users.
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