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Last Updated: 2024-05-24 10:31
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Calorie off products are carefully designed for the lower part of the body. Dual effect which uses the Japanese patented unique wave concave-convex weave, and the bodily rhythm when you walk serves as a gradual massage which achieves the thermal decoding effect. This also relaxes the weary leg muscles department! The burning of at least twice as much calories allows you to have the perfect slender leg!
Surimingu plant extract component from Japan. It is widely believed by the Japanese and also proven by R&D that it helps dilate blood vessels.
When plant comes into contact with body heat, it permeates through the skin to regulate blood circulation.
The unique weaving technology (rib and mesh knitting). The unevenness fiber knitted material promotes blood circulation and prevents cellulite through the massaging effect. Upon wearing, it feels comfortably tight which through friction enhances the massaging effect and helps tone up flabby areas.
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