All medicines in the world, be it modren or traditional, if a symptom does not go away after three consecutive days of application, it may well be said that a continual use of that medicine is ineffectual. If the medicine is right for the disease, applying a few times should improve the condition (with an exception of beriberi and partail paralysis that require a period of time to see the efficiency of the treatment) .
We believe that thousands of herbs available in Thailand, can do more than what people understand. Thus, we carefully seclect the top quality ones to create this local medicine to be the answer to your special needs. This 100% natural balm without steroid comes in 10 formulas:
1 Migraine, Stress, Minor Cold 6 Abscess, Pus
2 Tendon, Muscles 7 Wounds, Scalds
3 Knees, Knuckles, Bones 8 Ringworm, Chloasma
4 Beriberi, Paralysis 9 Hemorroids
5 Rashes, Extract Toxcity 10 Gangrene Wounds